“those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship/adoption.[g] And by Him we cry, "Abba,[h] Father." 16The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. 18I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:14-18
“How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called sons and daughters of God.” IJohn 3:1
I had never thought extensively and emotionally about adoption until spending time with the orphans. Not much beyond having a husband who is adopted, several friends who are blessed with adopting children, and the blessing of witnessing several families in our church adopt children after short-term missions trips to their orphanage.
One of the families blessed our church body by chronicling their adoption on a blog, and now we get to know their beautiful new daughter. Other families in our church body are in the process of adopting children.
Our week in Puerta Plata did change that. As we saw relationships develop, and bonds form, the vision of these children grafting into our body was present. Or is it us grafting into their body? I am not sure there is a difference. Leaving the children there was painful, and tears well even now contemplating it. The thought of relationship, wondering what they are doing, who is playing with them, is anyone sick, have they recovered any baseballs, are they anticipating the arrival of the Jenkins family?
If we, as mere man, have all these emotions, how much more the Father in Heaven must. He did create us in His image, disciplines us as children, provides for us oh so much better than our earthly fathers, loves us and has plans for us beyond our comprehension as His ways are higher than our ways. And the truly amazing love that he would die for me to make me His daughter. Me, a worm. Of no worth on my own. I guess that is the point. I bring nothing to the table. He died for us while still sinners. The heart ache that He must feel to be separated from one of His, really reflected in the joy of finding the lost sheep. (Plug here for Prodigal God by Tim Keller).
I have intellectually known this for a while. We are adopted sons and daughters, co-heirs with Christ, grafted in. But to see the orphans, no father of their own, so loving and lovable, grafted onto us now; then leaving them. Desiring to take them home with us. I would never presume to empathize with God, but I now have a fuller understanding of His adoption of us. That He would die for us. That He would go to that extreme.
At this point, I am planning to return in the fall with a medical group, our oldest daughter is already earning money for her “next trip”, and we have been online looking at flights, costs, etc. We have looked at all the photos online, as we now know the children, and have seen how they have grown. Like JuJu(Djuvenson) and Jeffrey who came to the orphanage last May when Brad and Brooke were there, of Brian, Richi, Richard, Samuel, Jose Miguel, Elian last summer and spring when they were smaller and skinnier. And the photos of Christmas. AM and I make comments on the kids, that this one was not smiling, that one was so small then, this one looked so much younger. Looking at the photos feels like looking at the family album.
Now this may seem like emotional hype, but as I ponder on God’s Word, and what He tells us to do (which is 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27), how blessed we are that He would give us a heart to do what He tells us to do.
Now we are to pray about what is next. Certainly, many have approached different members of the team about wanting to go. Like other orphanage groups, I would not be surprised by families adopting some of the children. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7) . As Harry says, now is the fun time, which is the waiting to see what God will do next!
Here is the official DR site for adoption. Pray as Brad and others work to become accredited, obtain paperwork, work with government agencies to delineate the process from Casa Tesorio de Dios. Pray for direction regarding the specific children, as He may be raising up leaders for the country who are disciple by Harry, Brad, Brooke, etc. His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
6-1-09 Sunday Church and Monday (423 photos)

Here are the photos of Sunday night and Monday. Enjoy!
5-31-09 (123 photos), by Joelle

Here are the photos from Sunday. They are on Snapfish. Enjoy!
About the Jenkins, Globe Works International
Brad and Brooke with their children move to Puerta Plata next Monday. Pray for their time as a family, adjustment, development and strengthening of relationships, protection from attack, strength of relationchips within their family, building further relationships with the orphans, effective and strategic administration, building of the girls' orphanage, workers in the girls' orphanage, church planting and raising up leaders, further growth of their walk with Jesus.
Here is the link to their decision to serve and live at Casa Tesorio de Dios, as well as the photos from their 2008 trips.
On their site, click on Brooke's photo album where you will see the arrival of JuJu and Jeffrey. Look at the difference in those 2. You will also see Richard and Richi, quite thin and smaller, as well as Junior and Nano (Genesis). The precious little girl we saw in the slum, wearing the white dress, is in many photos. Her white dress is new then. Jose Miguel has also grown a foot it seems. Samuel has grown too.
The link for the orphanage is www.dominikids.com
Globe Works International link is http://web.mac.com/globeworks/globeworks.org/Home.html
As you read this, pray that the Holy Spirit will give you the grace of serving, whether that be as an intercessor for all that is happening, as a servant to go and love the orphans and neighboring area and slum as well as the residents of Puerta Plata, a steward to provide resources to serve those we are called to serve, a support person who helps equip those serving. May the Holy Spirit knit us as a body together to share the Gospel and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters. Praying this, I cannot wait to see what Jesus will do! Time watching Harry live what he preached revealed so much sin in my heart, which led to confession, forgiveness, and repentance by the grace of Jesus Christ. He has already answered prayers specifically in the short time we have been back.
God Bless and Enjoy!
Here is the link to their decision to serve and live at Casa Tesorio de Dios, as well as the photos from their 2008 trips.
On their site, click on Brooke's photo album where you will see the arrival of JuJu and Jeffrey. Look at the difference in those 2. You will also see Richard and Richi, quite thin and smaller, as well as Junior and Nano (Genesis). The precious little girl we saw in the slum, wearing the white dress, is in many photos. Her white dress is new then. Jose Miguel has also grown a foot it seems. Samuel has grown too.
The link for the orphanage is www.dominikids.com
Globe Works International link is http://web.mac.com/globeworks/globeworks.org/Home.html
As you read this, pray that the Holy Spirit will give you the grace of serving, whether that be as an intercessor for all that is happening, as a servant to go and love the orphans and neighboring area and slum as well as the residents of Puerta Plata, a steward to provide resources to serve those we are called to serve, a support person who helps equip those serving. May the Holy Spirit knit us as a body together to share the Gospel and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters. Praying this, I cannot wait to see what Jesus will do! Time watching Harry live what he preached revealed so much sin in my heart, which led to confession, forgiveness, and repentance by the grace of Jesus Christ. He has already answered prayers specifically in the short time we have been back.
God Bless and Enjoy!
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Girls' Orphanage .... Our Greatest Prayer
The site of the future girls' orphanage.
Watch Now
At the orphanage, the boys are divided into the older boys and the younger boys. Each have a small space where shoes are kept neatly in a row, clothes are located in a cabinet, and the bathrooms are kept neat. Every morning, they take the mattresses outside to "air out". I don't quite understand that, but they probably don't understand why I am a girl and dress like a boy (shorts and t-shirts) and my name is a boy's name (there Joel masculine is pronounced like my name here Joelle).
We all came back with a clear understanding of one thing. The need to pray for the girls' orphanage.
One week prior to our departure, Globe Works and Mat Whatley of the newly formed Orphanage Builders hosted breakfast to share the vision for the orphanage in Puerta Plata for the girls. By law, the girls may not share the building with the boys. Some girls have been under the care of the orphanage, by way of meal provision, school, general care during the day. But at night they must leave. A few stay in the neighboring slum. One little girl's mother died recently of AIDS, so she is staying temporarily with distant relatives. Brad said he has never seen her in anything other than this white dress. Miya lives in the village with her father, but he gave up the boys to live at the orphanage. She eats with them and plays with them, then goes home at night to stay. She is quite smart, and enjoyed looking at our youngest Ellie on the iPhone. She is a natural with the iPhone. Samria, Sudie's friend, who saved pizza at the party, lives in the home on the grounds with Antonio and nine others.
The saddest situation we saw was at the market the last day when we met the 15 yr old pregnant Haitian girl, alone in this world. Her face haunts my thoughts. Right at that moment, something changed. I remember it as though it were yesterday although days have passed adn we have re-entered the Tiny Kingdom. She is the orphan, the fatherless, the oppressed, the stranger. All that God cares about. Search any of those words in a Bible concordance. She is waiting. And she does not even know it. In our broken attempt to communicate in French to Creole, I pray that the Holy Spirit touches her. And that we will soon be able to care for her, or the many "hers", that we did not physically see. That the orphans that God loves will see justice, that we will use our temporal resources for eternal reward. For kingdom purposes.
I love how God is in the details. It happens that Mat Whatley, of Orphanage Builders, lives less than a mile from my house. That an email sent my a sweet friend asking for baseball and sports paraphenalia lands on a man who was at the presentation by Mat, and comes full circle. What an awesome connection! To check out the project, watch the video! God Bless ....
Watch Now
The Empty Suitcase
Overseeing coconut distribution.
Holding hands, leading.
Sweet, tender.
I did not know Bubbles before we left for the trip. He was one of the Ben's.
Now I know him as the father in AM's pretend family (AM, James, Caroline, Bubbles) and the protector of my daughter. All you mothers now know exactly what I am talking about. When we went there, I was always aware where AM was, especially in the airport as we were warned not to stray from our group given the risk of separation, missing flights, etc. And we were in a foreign country, not speaking the language. (Also in the DR!)
That first night, we could not figure out how to deadbolt the door so both of us lay awake a while despite the 0300 hour.
God really blessed this trip, loosening me from the bondage of the need to control the environment of my child, manufacturning that little crafted world of security and certainly. Idol worship huh? AM grew up probably 3 years or so.
As she got to know the kids on the trip, and they were so gracious to invite the younger kids back to their seats, kid with them, hang with them, get to know then, they all melded into one group. The pretend family formed.
As the wekk passed, it was such a joy as a mother to see laps full, little bodies embraced and held tightly, hands held. This is sweet Bubbles holding Samuel. Our youth were able to play like children, but lead like parents and men. Pray like men. Protect like men.
I did spend some time at the front desk where WiFi was available. So AM was without me, her designated buddy, quite frequently. But she was with Bubbles, et al. AM's and James' laughter echoed through the hotel valley. Sweet music.
Bubbles escorted AM through the market, and made sure she was not taken advantage of. He was present the last morning in the airport, standing next to her when she ordered breakfast. He was just there.
So not only did we get to see the "boys" really take on the role as men, but we got to see their hearts. Bubbles came home with practically no clothing. Shoes were left.
What qualities I know his mother rejoices over. Generosity. Leadership. Tenderness. Protector. God-fearing.
The Gift of Worship
Listening to the message of a life redeemed. Guappo.
The crowd. They gave up their seats for us to sit.
Attentively listening.
"Here I Am to Worship" en Espanol.
Drummers extraordinaire! John and Sammy
The speaker and his baby and wife, bad photo of sammy at the drums, the tambourine player to the left, the standing room only section off the side door.
Davy interpreting for Harry, introducing Maddie and Lauren.
The worship leader. Pastor Evelyn to the right wearing pink. Kevin C on the keyboard.
John C being eaten by the plant, the metal cylinder thing player, Harry.
The Gift of Worship
We have many talented youth in our church and more specifically in the group on the trip. Some of us had the privilege of seeing them in the Youth Talent Show, which raised support for the trip.
But the real privilege was seeing them use the gifts the Lord has given them in the DR.
Kate, probably one of the most generous women I know, realized that Brian has been given the gift of music so she purchased a guitar at the LaSerina (WalMart). Kevin C played the guitar for Brian, showed him chords, taught him guitar. The expressions on both their faces say it all.
Thursday night, we were invited to a small village for a Youth Rally. What was awesome is that we were the youth! The sanctuary, about 15 x 30 feet, runs on a generator which was a little cantankerous so the ceiling fans were still. When we arrived, they were worshipping. The leader who sand is about 4 ½ feet tall, maybe 50 yr old, woman who danced and sang, shouted, writhed on the floor at one point worshipping ( I did not see that as I started out in the back). The tambourine player at the height would convulse. The metal cylinder thing player danced. Sammy, the 10 yr old son of Pastor Evelyn and Pastor Johnny, played the drums as if he were a professional recording artist. It was so joyful to worship with them, although the only words I understood were “Salvadore”, “Dios”, “Ya”. We kind of had our own words going.
A sweet treat was the music prepared by Maddie, Andrew, Lauren, Ashley, Kevin, and John. They sand “Here I Am to Worship” en Espanol, and the smiles glowed on the people’s faces. Then we sang “Amazing Grace” all together, us in English and them en Espanol. Kevin and John had never played either of those and were able to compose it for this rendition as we went. What a truly amazing gift. What joy to sit under them leading our worship of Jesus, Salvadore.
There was pure beauty in worshipping in such close proximity with such human elements such as heat, sweat, loud joyful music, preacher walking up the aisle passionately. The universal language of music. “Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy” Psalm 33:2-4. “Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the saints” Psalm 149: 1-3.
Revelations mentions music and singing several times. Psalms. The new songs sung in Rev 5:9, Rev 14:3. I hope that we get to learn musical instruments in heaven, because there is indescribable joy in praising in the form of music. We are made in His image. God loves music, as He says repeatedly in His Word. And He has no iPod! No wonder we are drawn to music in an unexplainable way. “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your Name, O most High” Psalm 92:1. One song that helped us to worship that spoke to us is “Tears of the Saints” by Leeland. It encapsulates our thoughts, prayers, emotions. What a gift He has bestowed.
I am so excited to see how John, Kevin, Maddie, Lauren, Andrew, Ashley and Sammy use the gift of music. And Brian. We do pray that the orphans will eventually be given the gift of music. Right now, we pray that their spiritual and physical basic needs are met (praise God for Brad and his family serving as house parents!). And for a GIRLS ORPHANAGE to get the girls off the streets and out of dangerous circumstances. And we look forward to worshipping again with the saints of that sweet little church in a small rural village in the Dominican Republic. Either here on earth, or in heaven eternally.
“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord” Eph 5:18-20
We have many talented youth in our church and more specifically in the group on the trip. Some of us had the privilege of seeing them in the Youth Talent Show, which raised support for the trip.
But the real privilege was seeing them use the gifts the Lord has given them in the DR.
Kate, probably one of the most generous women I know, realized that Brian has been given the gift of music so she purchased a guitar at the LaSerina (WalMart). Kevin C played the guitar for Brian, showed him chords, taught him guitar. The expressions on both their faces say it all.
Thursday night, we were invited to a small village for a Youth Rally. What was awesome is that we were the youth! The sanctuary, about 15 x 30 feet, runs on a generator which was a little cantankerous so the ceiling fans were still. When we arrived, they were worshipping. The leader who sand is about 4 ½ feet tall, maybe 50 yr old, woman who danced and sang, shouted, writhed on the floor at one point worshipping ( I did not see that as I started out in the back). The tambourine player at the height would convulse. The metal cylinder thing player danced. Sammy, the 10 yr old son of Pastor Evelyn and Pastor Johnny, played the drums as if he were a professional recording artist. It was so joyful to worship with them, although the only words I understood were “Salvadore”, “Dios”, “Ya”. We kind of had our own words going.
A sweet treat was the music prepared by Maddie, Andrew, Lauren, Ashley, Kevin, and John. They sand “Here I Am to Worship” en Espanol, and the smiles glowed on the people’s faces. Then we sang “Amazing Grace” all together, us in English and them en Espanol. Kevin and John had never played either of those and were able to compose it for this rendition as we went. What a truly amazing gift. What joy to sit under them leading our worship of Jesus, Salvadore.
There was pure beauty in worshipping in such close proximity with such human elements such as heat, sweat, loud joyful music, preacher walking up the aisle passionately. The universal language of music. “Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy” Psalm 33:2-4. “Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the saints” Psalm 149: 1-3.
Revelations mentions music and singing several times. Psalms. The new songs sung in Rev 5:9, Rev 14:3. I hope that we get to learn musical instruments in heaven, because there is indescribable joy in praising in the form of music. We are made in His image. God loves music, as He says repeatedly in His Word. And He has no iPod! No wonder we are drawn to music in an unexplainable way. “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your Name, O most High” Psalm 92:1. One song that helped us to worship that spoke to us is “Tears of the Saints” by Leeland. It encapsulates our thoughts, prayers, emotions. What a gift He has bestowed.
I am so excited to see how John, Kevin, Maddie, Lauren, Andrew, Ashley and Sammy use the gift of music. And Brian. We do pray that the orphans will eventually be given the gift of music. Right now, we pray that their spiritual and physical basic needs are met (praise God for Brad and his family serving as house parents!). And for a GIRLS ORPHANAGE to get the girls off the streets and out of dangerous circumstances. And we look forward to worshipping again with the saints of that sweet little church in a small rural village in the Dominican Republic. Either here on earth, or in heaven eternally.
“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord” Eph 5:18-20
Kate and Sortero
Kate and Sortero part. Note the ginormous bruise on Kate's arm from being hit by a baseball. Someone was throwing heat.
Tears at parting.
From Emily ....... she is funnier than me (Joelle)
Several of you might know Kate Phillips, and if you know her, my guess isthat you love her. How could you not? Not only is her heart SO big, but shekept us in stitches the entire trip. The last couple days of the trip wereprobably some of her finest. My personal favorite was when she announced tothe bus that we would "rue the day that we did not buy a stalactite." (she,however, would go home with no regrets - and a stalactite). But it is notKate's purchases at the open market (or the gigantic overflowing basket of items from the Dominican WalMart for the orphans, or the meal she shared with the little boy with starvation in his eyes outside the Walmart)that I'm supposed to be writing about -it is her relationship and one of her final conversations with Sortero, ourbus driver, that I'm supposed to recount. I hope I do it justice.
We rode on the same bus, with the same driver, every day, at least twice aday if not four or five times. When that happens people tend to sort ofsettle into a pattern. Kate settled in at the front of the bus - right nextto Sortero and a few high school girls. Well Kate doesn't speak a lot ofSpanish, and Sortero speaks even less English but boy, did they talk. InKate's words "he would say something to me and I would sort of imagine whathe might be saying. Then I would reply to what I imagined he had said andI'm sure he sort of imagined what I had said back" And so it went, prettymuch every day. Now, a quick personal note: I love that. I think it is soamazing and so admirable that these two people didn't let a little thinglike a language barrier get in the way of a good conversation. But back tothe story: so by the end of the week, these two felt like they knew eachother pretty well and somehow the subject of Kate's occupation came up.Sortero, in Spanish with a touch of English, asked if Kate was an engineer.Well she just thought that was hilarious because no, she is not an engineer.And then Sortero continued to explain himself by saying "toot toot" andacting like he was pulling on the rope of a train whistle. Kate realizedthat somehow he had gotten this idea that SHE WAS A TRAIN CONDUCTOR.
Whenshe told us this during our last team meeting we lost it. We laughed sohard and for so long that it was a little hard for anyone to share anythingserious after that. As Ecclesiastes says there is truly a "time to weep, a time to laugh."There was a lot of both on our trip to the Dominican, and Kate brought in alot of the (much needed) laughter. I am so thankful for her presence on thetrip and back here in Birmingham, because she is someone who will make youlaugh so hard your stomach hurts then turn around and cry as you cry. And,if you're really lucky, she might just let you take a picture with herstalactite.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sports in Dominican Republic
Ringo, the 15 yr old who lives with Antonio's family in the little pink house, takes pitching practice in the backyard of the orphahage. He had no ball, so was pitching rocks at the tree. The audience consists of Joel, Brian, Richi, and Richard.
Colon's stadium in his hometown. The stadium is great, but the kids are sharing gloves. They trade gloves between fielding turns. Fascintaing study of contrasts. The boy fielding right now is the best athlete on the rec league, and is playing in what looks like boat shoes that are a few sizes too big.
Here is the local basketball court in Aguas Negos, or BlackWater slum.
Before our boys arrived to play, it was mainly the older kids and a few older spectators. Often there is not a large crowd due to the threat of violence erupting during play. Here, the audience was a couple of people thick. Faces were alit. Notice the trash and rubbish in the background, combed through by the residents as it washes ashore. Searching for treasure.
Here is the basketball court at the orphanage. It is about a quarter court. Kate bought the net. Unless sara was teaching VBS, the court was happening. Friendships were solidified on this court. The third day at the orphanage, the bus ran over the second basketball so the kids played still with the busted ball. Amazingly, there was little if any fighting or scuffling over the balls. No whining whatsoever. Rare tears. No fits at all. No tantrums, not a single one.
Playtime at the orphanage. Some of the older kids are climbing the fence looking for baseballs and Frisbees. Antonio played with the goat to the amusement of the kids. This is their baseball field.
This is the basketball court at one of the Haitian villages. See the VIP section with the couches. Unfortunately, there is no basketball, so the court is silent now. The village is in a 50x50 foot patch surrounded by sugar cane fields. When Soto suggested that we try cane, kids (looked about 10 or so) got the machete and started running around cutting cane for us. No one yelled at them to be careful, slow down, you'll poke an eye out. (Or cut your head off) Amazingly, no one fell while running with a machete.
This is the baseball field at the other Haitina village.
There is some grass, but mainly dirt. No equipment to play with.
To learn more about Dominican baseball, follow the link to ESPNThemagazine below in their March issue about the poverty, oppurtunity, and harvest of players.
The Rich
“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they may be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may hold on eternal life.” I Timothy 6: 17-19
I love how God does nothing by accident or happenstance or luck. He is so detailed in His workings, if I can just open my eyes to it and weed out the distraction.
Like, our SS class talking about Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn for 2 weeks later this summer. Which led me to bring the book on the trip. The really good books are worth rereading, so 3 years later this is the second go round. Underlining, stars, circling litter the pages of what was striking then. Tom Saxon taught our class using this book prior to his leaving for Ukraine. It was quite impactful.
But there is nothing like listening to the Lord as He continues to be present in His Word.
While there, during the many early mornings spent with Jesus, the Scripture spoke to my heart, revealing sin. Revealing my selfishness, dependence on controlling our environment, materialism, stinginess, avarice. Sin in relationship, especially selfishness with my husband. And sin with what God has given us to steward. I have been treating Him as a financial consultant to whom I gladly pay a fee, but continue to see myself as owner. And out of the goodness of my heart, will bestow on others gifts, from me of course. Reading through a portion of the above book M,P, and E, specifically chapter 13, I had to stop and cry over my heart. My self-righteousness. And what He has given us. Lack of attention to details so that by laziness resources have slipped through my fingers instead of going to Kingdom causes. I am simply a steward. I am not the owner.
Again, God in His goodness, lived out these lessons in front of us. Like Soto literally taking the shirt off his back, a really cool Steelers jersey, to give to one of our boys who admired it. Soto giving me the music CDs he carries around. Harry not eating until everyone else has, and only if everyone else will have food. Harry giving the money set aside for rent, then waiting on Jesus to provide. Harry not ever wearing a watch as he is on Jesus time, but also because whenever he wears one, someone needs it so he gives it away. Then the blessing of giving away the meager valuables we carry with us, and receiving the blessing of giving, being so much richer than keeping!
So what now? That was an awesome week. And you are back.
My heart has clung to the security of this world, not fully trusting in His provision. But trusting in uncertain riches. These things are not in and of themselves bad, but my trust in them is. Like all the planning of our children’s future and the minutae I manage in that (the frenzy of activities not because God will use that in the child but because others are doing it). The idolatry of performance, like a child getting certain grades in school (instead of the focus on using the gift of intelligence and education to further the Kingdom). Self-indulgence. Too many clothing items, way beyond need. Holding onto items because they may be needed in the future. Hoarding possessions instead of using them to serve the Body. So it was no mistake that the reading in our devotion was Psalm 51.
“Have mercy upon me O God, according to your lovingkindness; the multitude of Your loving mercies; blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse my from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, and only You, have I sinned. And done this evil in Your sight. That You may be found just when You speak, and blamesless when You judge.”
What a blessing to see every possession as His, to be used to serve the Kingdom. Not leftovers, or selective discarding, but firstfruits. As silly as this is it is the Cheddar Chex Mix that I am tempted to hoard but was a joy to give, the Pujols long-sleeve jersey (looking for one for someone else who liked it and still cannot find) that was admired, the Cubs Soriano t-shirt that I really love but was more a blessing worn on someone else. The child who gave away everything but her dirty clothes (and actually washed most of them in the sink while we were there to give), then came home to find she had no t-shirts to wear. Instead of the remark “I need more stuff because I gave mine away”, her remark was “And I am starting another pile to send to the kids.” The kid who gave away the shoes on his feet.
From Randy Alcorn, page 198 MPE, summary ….. when I still have it, I believe I own it. But when I give it away, I relinquish the control, power, prestige that come with wealth. At the moment of release the light comes on. I recognize God as owner, me as servant, others as intended beneficiaries of what God has entrusted to me. Giving does not strip me of my vested interest; rather, it shifts my vested interest from earth to heaven, from self to God.
All of us reading this on a computer, especially one we own, are rich. Lord, I pray that you will expose our sin of avarice, greed, possessiveness, selfishness. That you will turn our hearts towards you, the creator and owner of all things, to steward the resources in our hands for you for your saints and for the lost. You have told us repeatedly in Scripture that the poor will always be with us (Mark 14:7), that You secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy (Psalm 140:12). Let us turn to Your righteousness. Let us feast upon Your Word. May we hold onto eternal life and store up treasures in heaven Matthew 6:19-21). Amen and amen. Glorias a Dios!
The Rich
“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they may be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may hold on eternal life.” I Timothy 6: 17-19
I love how God does nothing by accident or happenstance or luck. He is so detailed in His workings, if I can just open my eyes to it and weed out the distraction.
Like, our SS class talking about Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn for 2 weeks later this summer. Which led me to bring the book on the trip. The really good books are worth rereading, so 3 years later this is the second go round. Underlining, stars, circling litter the pages of what was striking then. Tom Saxon taught our class using this book prior to his leaving for Ukraine. It was quite impactful.
But there is nothing like listening to the Lord as He continues to be present in His Word.
While there, during the many early mornings spent with Jesus, the Scripture spoke to my heart, revealing sin. Revealing my selfishness, dependence on controlling our environment, materialism, stinginess, avarice. Sin in relationship, especially selfishness with my husband. And sin with what God has given us to steward. I have been treating Him as a financial consultant to whom I gladly pay a fee, but continue to see myself as owner. And out of the goodness of my heart, will bestow on others gifts, from me of course. Reading through a portion of the above book M,P, and E, specifically chapter 13, I had to stop and cry over my heart. My self-righteousness. And what He has given us. Lack of attention to details so that by laziness resources have slipped through my fingers instead of going to Kingdom causes. I am simply a steward. I am not the owner.
Again, God in His goodness, lived out these lessons in front of us. Like Soto literally taking the shirt off his back, a really cool Steelers jersey, to give to one of our boys who admired it. Soto giving me the music CDs he carries around. Harry not eating until everyone else has, and only if everyone else will have food. Harry giving the money set aside for rent, then waiting on Jesus to provide. Harry not ever wearing a watch as he is on Jesus time, but also because whenever he wears one, someone needs it so he gives it away. Then the blessing of giving away the meager valuables we carry with us, and receiving the blessing of giving, being so much richer than keeping!
So what now? That was an awesome week. And you are back.
My heart has clung to the security of this world, not fully trusting in His provision. But trusting in uncertain riches. These things are not in and of themselves bad, but my trust in them is. Like all the planning of our children’s future and the minutae I manage in that (the frenzy of activities not because God will use that in the child but because others are doing it). The idolatry of performance, like a child getting certain grades in school (instead of the focus on using the gift of intelligence and education to further the Kingdom). Self-indulgence. Too many clothing items, way beyond need. Holding onto items because they may be needed in the future. Hoarding possessions instead of using them to serve the Body. So it was no mistake that the reading in our devotion was Psalm 51.
“Have mercy upon me O God, according to your lovingkindness; the multitude of Your loving mercies; blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse my from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, and only You, have I sinned. And done this evil in Your sight. That You may be found just when You speak, and blamesless when You judge.”
What a blessing to see every possession as His, to be used to serve the Kingdom. Not leftovers, or selective discarding, but firstfruits. As silly as this is it is the Cheddar Chex Mix that I am tempted to hoard but was a joy to give, the Pujols long-sleeve jersey (looking for one for someone else who liked it and still cannot find) that was admired, the Cubs Soriano t-shirt that I really love but was more a blessing worn on someone else. The child who gave away everything but her dirty clothes (and actually washed most of them in the sink while we were there to give), then came home to find she had no t-shirts to wear. Instead of the remark “I need more stuff because I gave mine away”, her remark was “And I am starting another pile to send to the kids.” The kid who gave away the shoes on his feet.
From Randy Alcorn, page 198 MPE, summary ….. when I still have it, I believe I own it. But when I give it away, I relinquish the control, power, prestige that come with wealth. At the moment of release the light comes on. I recognize God as owner, me as servant, others as intended beneficiaries of what God has entrusted to me. Giving does not strip me of my vested interest; rather, it shifts my vested interest from earth to heaven, from self to God.
All of us reading this on a computer, especially one we own, are rich. Lord, I pray that you will expose our sin of avarice, greed, possessiveness, selfishness. That you will turn our hearts towards you, the creator and owner of all things, to steward the resources in our hands for you for your saints and for the lost. You have told us repeatedly in Scripture that the poor will always be with us (Mark 14:7), that You secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy (Psalm 140:12). Let us turn to Your righteousness. Let us feast upon Your Word. May we hold onto eternal life and store up treasures in heaven Matthew 6:19-21). Amen and amen. Glorias a Dios!
And What Now?
So What Now?
The last few days, upon official “re-entry” have been emotional mainly because we have been sharing our trip with our family, friends, and co-workers. Often, I am without words, which is a difficult feat for a chatty person.
The first morning, we were able to go to worship and simply worship, be fed by a tender, honest sermon. God allowedme to run into the mother of one of the kids, and we both teared up as we talked about what her daughter had shared. Then we got to sit in front of parents of youth that went, and again talk about what God did in our lives. Then, that night, we went to a get-together for the group ….. hey Mom how about inviting over my 30 new friends? Much joy, fellowship, discussion what Jesus has done and is doing.
The last couple of days as I have re-entered my world, it has been different. But in a good way. I continue to hear the voice of Harry in my head. He is a human, so not so much of glorifying him, but glorifying Him. The last 2 days seeing patients, God has allowed me to see the hurt in people’s eyes. The fear. And that all I have to offer of any worth is Jesus. Medicine and my skills are a tool. They will all wither as the grass. Like our bodies. And I will be out of a job when Jesus returns.
As I sit with people facing difficult circumstances, I weep. Yes, after we digest what is happening, I will address the medical and technical issues. But those are not the most important issues. I am sitting with a brother or sister in Christ; or I am sitting with a lost soul and this could be the most important conversation we will have. As Sara captured, I bring nothing but Jesus. The ultimate gift.
Or, when standing there with Davy, the interpreter, the last day, when the items ran out and a man looked at me with desperation in his eyes while I stood there with a half-drunk water bottle. “I do not have anything. All I can give you is this water.” He did take it. As we stood there Davy interpreted that the Living Water is Jesus. He will get thirsty again, in less than 30 minutes, but Water from Jesus will provide eternal life with Him. Again, as Sara said, I would have liked to just fix the problem. Pray. That is our first solution, our middle solution, our last solution. And excitedly wait on what Jesus will do. “I am so excited! I love to wait on the Lord!” Harry’s words ring in my ears.
I think one of my greatest struggles is living here. The hardness of heart that I feel for many of those in this environment in the slumber of excess and self-sufficiency, buried under layers of abundance. I know it is there, that hardness which is sin on my part, but it lingers there. Who am I to decide who deserves to be offered Living Water? I do obey when the Holy Spirit convicts me to share Jesus. But I am like Jonah. You want me to do what, God? They do not deserve your mercy and grace.
JUST LIKE ME. I do not deserve your grace and mercy. That is the point. How self-righteous of me. Pray as I struggle through that. At work, when seeing people in touch with their need, there is no Jonah in my heart. But here, that sin of Jonah is a burden. Pray that the Lord will break that sin, show me my continual need for Him, for His forgiveness and mercy then repentance, as I see the sin so engrained in my own heart being lived out in those around me serving as a mirror.
I pray that we have the tears of the saints for the lost, here and there, to lead them Home to Jesus.
The last few days, upon official “re-entry” have been emotional mainly because we have been sharing our trip with our family, friends, and co-workers. Often, I am without words, which is a difficult feat for a chatty person.
The first morning, we were able to go to worship and simply worship, be fed by a tender, honest sermon. God allowedme to run into the mother of one of the kids, and we both teared up as we talked about what her daughter had shared. Then we got to sit in front of parents of youth that went, and again talk about what God did in our lives. Then, that night, we went to a get-together for the group ….. hey Mom how about inviting over my 30 new friends? Much joy, fellowship, discussion what Jesus has done and is doing.
The last couple of days as I have re-entered my world, it has been different. But in a good way. I continue to hear the voice of Harry in my head. He is a human, so not so much of glorifying him, but glorifying Him. The last 2 days seeing patients, God has allowed me to see the hurt in people’s eyes. The fear. And that all I have to offer of any worth is Jesus. Medicine and my skills are a tool. They will all wither as the grass. Like our bodies. And I will be out of a job when Jesus returns.
As I sit with people facing difficult circumstances, I weep. Yes, after we digest what is happening, I will address the medical and technical issues. But those are not the most important issues. I am sitting with a brother or sister in Christ; or I am sitting with a lost soul and this could be the most important conversation we will have. As Sara captured, I bring nothing but Jesus. The ultimate gift.
Or, when standing there with Davy, the interpreter, the last day, when the items ran out and a man looked at me with desperation in his eyes while I stood there with a half-drunk water bottle. “I do not have anything. All I can give you is this water.” He did take it. As we stood there Davy interpreted that the Living Water is Jesus. He will get thirsty again, in less than 30 minutes, but Water from Jesus will provide eternal life with Him. Again, as Sara said, I would have liked to just fix the problem. Pray. That is our first solution, our middle solution, our last solution. And excitedly wait on what Jesus will do. “I am so excited! I love to wait on the Lord!” Harry’s words ring in my ears.
I think one of my greatest struggles is living here. The hardness of heart that I feel for many of those in this environment in the slumber of excess and self-sufficiency, buried under layers of abundance. I know it is there, that hardness which is sin on my part, but it lingers there. Who am I to decide who deserves to be offered Living Water? I do obey when the Holy Spirit convicts me to share Jesus. But I am like Jonah. You want me to do what, God? They do not deserve your mercy and grace.
JUST LIKE ME. I do not deserve your grace and mercy. That is the point. How self-righteous of me. Pray as I struggle through that. At work, when seeing people in touch with their need, there is no Jonah in my heart. But here, that sin of Jonah is a burden. Pray that the Lord will break that sin, show me my continual need for Him, for His forgiveness and mercy then repentance, as I see the sin so engrained in my own heart being lived out in those around me serving as a mirror.
I pray that we have the tears of the saints for the lost, here and there, to lead them Home to Jesus.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Matthew 18:3 Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore, he who humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Matthew 19:Let teh little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said it all.
Maddie's Nail Salon .. the Universal Language of Nail Polish
The second morning of VBS, Maddie and Lauren decided to get nail polish for the girls and opened up for business.
Like basketballs and baseballs, nail polish crosses all language barriers. What Maddie said she enjoyed most was the quiet still time she received with each girl as she sat to have her nails painted, then sat while they dried. That was sweet time of togetherness and fellowship that kindled friendships.
All things as tools for spreading the Gospel. See every oppurtunity as a divine appointment.
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