Saturday, June 6, 2009

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

The group had talked about how blessed we are to have been with everyone here, and how we wanted to share our toiletry items, sunscreen, medicine, bug spray, rain slickers, clothing, shoes with the orphanage and the people here. As we were going through the items, a jar of peanutbutter surfaced. As soon as it was visible to Phyllis, one of the women who works and lives at the orphanage, she jumped up and down, sang, called out to Henrietta, one of the other women. They love peanutbutter! They were so blessed! They joked about having to share it with each other.
As we met as a group our last night, during prayer together, I thanked our generous Lord for providing the women with the peanutbutter, giving them the joy to receive such a special item to them. During dinner, one of the girls asked more about the PB, as she had brought it at the last minute as her mother was concerned that she may not like Dominican food (Kate said it was the only mission trip where you could gain weight!). She almost did not give it to the orphanage, only because she did not think anyone would value it. But she was obedient and brought it anyway. Sweet Peyton wept talking about it and the joy the Lord had so tenderly given her.
The double blessing of giving! She was blessed simply to have plenty, so much really that it often has no value to us. Then even moreso blessed in the giving of it. It blesses the women who will savor the delicious delicacy of PB, the Lord who gets to enjoy His kids sharing, and then Peyton and her Mom who will think of the Lord’s generosity every time they think of PB. And how He encourages us in giving.

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