Today we had an awesome VBS, talking about God’s love for us and joy when we come home to Him, as the son did who ran away but returned to his prodigal father. Prodigal means outrageously generous. He celebrates every time a wayward soul returns home.
Manuel, a 17 yr old (wearing orange today), lives with his grandfather here in the neighborhood as his mother, father, 3 sisters, and 1 brother live in a shack in the slum we visited yesterday. He has learned English while he works to shine shoes on the main street of PuertaPlata. He desires to help during the VBS, leading the children, keeping them in line. We pray that God will place in his heart the gift of leadership and evangelizing, preaching, teaching, pasturing. He was very involved in helping the men carry the cinder blocks 3 flights up to Brad’s future home.
Parents, you will see your kids eating mangos, coconut off the tree. One of the translators scaled a tree to the top of the coconut tree and cut off dozens of coconuts. We ate lunch late afternoon, so it was sustenance until. Speaking of hunger, I know I know nothing of hunger. I want something, I get it. If it is not in the fridge, I drive to Western. You should have seen the line when the women thought there would be food handed out. It could have turned into a riot. Or the crowd that gathered in the slum when we were handing out the bags of beans and rice. We know nothing of starvation. We not only feed on bountiful supply, but at any time can be fed by God’s Word by reading, talking over the phone, listening to a podcast, etc. I pray that the Lord will nourish the souls of those we meet.
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