Saturday, June 6, 2009

Harry's Jesus Alarm Clock

"You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts my head.
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill.
I lay down and slept, and I awoke for the Lord sustained me."
Psalm 3:3-5

Harry has loaned me his Jesus alarm clock. Last Saturday, our second day with Harry, he told us how God just wakes him up when it is time to awaken, gives him sleep when it is time to sleep, provides food when his fast is finished.
I really did not think about it much except that I could never do that, as who can get up at 5 to run without an alarm clock? (At home, not here, Mom!) Each day, sleep has been ending just as the sun starts to rise and the birds start to sing. That has been a really sweet time with the Lord. Our porch overlooks the ocean, and I get to see the new day dawn and stir. The security guard, birds, and I are awake.
Last night AM and I stayed up til 11 or so, which is a little early for us down here. The alarm was set as we turned in. We are leaving at 4am for the 830am flight, so I anticipated that we would be on the road when Harry’s Jesus alarm clock had gone off the previous days (530 or so). No. Harry’s Jesus alarm clock adjusted to the earlier time. It was dark. God woke me up to pray this morning. Then write some emails and just write about him and our week here. (No wifi here in the rooms, just Word!) Amazingly, I feel rested despite the calculation of hours slept, and not slept. I can’t wait to tell you when Harry awoke this morning ……. Will fill you in!

Addendum: Harry went to sleep at 1am as he was up talking about Jesus with pastor Evelyn, Pastor Johnny, and Sammy. He laid down and awakened at 2am so that he could pray then get ready to take the Orphan Mobile to pick us up ……

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